Friday, July 30, 2010

love these!

I could not be happier with these pictures! 
The photographer is 22 years old. He did an amazing job! 
The kids loved him. He was wonderful with them. And he was super fast! I got all my pictures less than a week later! 

Thursday, July 29, 2010

roller coaster.

I had so many pictures from the roller coaster, I decided to make it a post all on it's own! 
Lawson was so excited to go with just Sophie! (Which is pretty impressive... remember last year?!) 

I love their faces here! Especially Sophie! 

Do you see Corey watching? 

Thank you, Uncle Pete and Aunt Aletha!
We're excited to bring Gretchen next year and see what she thinks of some of the rides!
We all had so much fun!! 

kiddie park: day 2.

They still love the pirate ship... 

But they sat at opposite ends and had the whole thing to themselves! 

My aunt and uncle have always been so, so special to me! I love that they are so special to my kids now, too! 

I refuse to go on this ride with them. The turtles made me nauseous. I can't imagine what this would be like. 

Sophie loves it! 

They wanted to end the night here. They had already been on it two times in a row (and we lied and told them you couldn't go on it three times in a row. How were they even able to walk straight after doing this twice?!) We had time for two more rides, so Lawson chose the bumper cars and Sophie did the turtles. They both wanted to do this one more time, but since "Sophie makes it spin too fast" they each got one of their own... 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I've decided Bartlesville is the most family friendly town ever. 
This was a new addition from when we were there last summer...

I'm pretty sure the kids had more fun here than they did at Chuck E. Cheese! 

We may have had to bribe Lawson to get him to go down the yellow slide. (Do you see a trend with my little chicken children?) We knew once he did it, he would love it. 

And we were right. He spent the majority of his time here. I have no idea how many times he must have gone up and down! Over and over and over. He loved it! 

Sophie's favorite spot was the not-so-lazy river (which I realized I didn't get a picture of!) It's like a little whirlpool right in the middle of the pool. A circle on the outside and then a smaller circle inside it. The current was surprisingly strong! The kids could both touch, but if I didn't hold onto Lawson, it would sweep him right away. Sophie must have spent a good 30 minutes floating/swimming around in it with Aunt Aletha. (Who we've decided is the funnest aunt ever!) 

The giant bucket... 

Here it comes... 

I tried to bribe Sophie to go down this slide. (The open one, not the tunnel) She would have been able to touch and I knew if she sat up instead of laying down, she wouldn't work up that much speed. Aunt Aletha even showed her how. (Seriously. How many 70-some year old women do you know who go down waterslides?! See why we think she's the coolest?!) 

She wouldn't go for it, though. Maybe next summer, she said.  :)  Corey went a few times, though! 

Day 2 consisted of Chuck E. Cheese... the waterpark... and still more Kiddie Park.
Can you imagine how well these two kids slept that night?!  (Lawson didn't get up until 10:20 am!)