Thursday, October 22, 2015

barn sale.

One of my favorite weekends of the year! 
As much as I would love to go SHOP at the Barn Sale, it's way better on my wallet to go WORK at the Barn Sale! =) My friend, Beki, puts on the whole thing, so I've gone the last couple years and helped run her jewelry booth. 

This year I went down the night before and stayed with this sweet friend. Olive Garden, Target and hours spent talking is just what I needed! =) 

You've gotta love friends that ask you to bring your red duct tape so they can do some patching on their favorite luggage. #classy

 {Spending the day with some of my favorite people! #kansasbarnsale}

{It's been way too long since I got to hug this neck! (My organizers twin!)}

{My heart is happy. These girls are good for my soul.}

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