Thursday, February 10, 2011

baby calves.

The newest members of Corey's little cattle family... 

Meet Ariel...

 Sophie was debating between Jasmine and Ariel... the red hair was the deciding factor. :)

This is Lacey...

She's a little older than Ariel. (Lacey is also Lawson's favorite dancer on "Dancing With the Stars.")

Corey had another baby calf born on one of those cold, cold nights we had awhile back. She didn't make it through the night. His brother got her and took her to the house, but it was just too, too cold. Poor thing.

When Lawson wanted to go play in the snow the other day, I told him it would depend on what the temperature was. "It might be too cold." He rolled his eyes at me and said, "I'm not a baby calf, mom. I'll be okay out in the cold. I'm not gonna die in the snow."   :)


The Boccias said...

I saw this title on my blog's sidebar and clicked over, fully expecting you to be talking about Gretchen's cute legs. This was cool too. :)

Susy said...

Love Lawson's sayings.

kristin said...

hee hee hee. we're going to get something like this in our backyard in a few months.

: )

Danielle said...

Good thing Lawson has such a caring and concerned mama to watch out for him :). (I have some totally cool calf stories for you sometime when we're chatting)

Sylvia said...

That is so sad about Corey having another loss.