Saturday, June 26, 2010


 Our plan for Father's Day was to go canoeing on the creek that runs through our town. The kids were so excited! We had it on our summer list, we had looked at pictures from the last time we went canoeing... the kids couldn't wait! 

Until we got there, that is... 

I still have no idea what caused the change of heart, but for whatever reason... Sophie freaked out. Acted as though being in a canoe was the scariest thing she had ever done. Nevermind the fact that she had jumped happily in the canoe when she was 3 and 5. Now, at 7... it was terrifying. I finally bribed convinced her to go if I would sit in the middle with her and hold her hands. She still hated it. Whined and fussed the whole time, just sure we were going to tip over at any minute. "I don't know why Jesus even made rivers and water!" 

Once we finally got Lawson in the canoe, he had lots of fun. But he still wouldn't go without me. So... no pictures of kids canoeing because I was too busy sitting in the middle and holding their hands. 

Corey and I each went a couple more times with just my dad... 

The kids were perfectly content just playing with their little boats on a string... 

So canoeing is crossed off our list. Can't say we all enjoyed it, but we did it. :) 

And we did manage to get a couple cute pictures out of the ordeal.


Utecht Family said...

Awesome! Where did you get the canoe?

Allen and Debby Graber said...

That does look like fun for me too! Wish they had a canoe rental place by the river.