Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Today was a bad day. A really bad day. 
I hate days like that. 

So I was happy to find two moments from the day that make me smile...

Tomorrow will be better.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


tractors and corn.

Corey was back helping his brother with harvest this past weekend. We went out to visit (and got lost... there is a big difference between "Turn on the 2nd dirt road" and actually needing to turn on the 3rd dirt road. Especially fun when cell phone service is very spotty, you're driving a mini-van with 3 kids and it's 98* out.) But we made it. 

Unfortunately, they were dealing with a flat tire on one of the grain trucks, so we had some time to kill. Thank goodness for tractors and corn fields! 

Sophie didn't find driving the tractor quite as exciting as Lawson... 

Gretchie wasn't too sure about the tractor either. (But she was also very, very tired. And very, very hot.) 

Uncle Casey's back! Time for the real fun to start... 

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Looks like he's jumping to make a great catch, huh? 
Nope. He's just jumping.  :) 

Cutest cheering section around. 

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Love this.


 Our plan for Father's Day was to go canoeing on the creek that runs through our town. The kids were so excited! We had it on our summer list, we had looked at pictures from the last time we went canoeing... the kids couldn't wait! 

Until we got there, that is... 

I still have no idea what caused the change of heart, but for whatever reason... Sophie freaked out. Acted as though being in a canoe was the scariest thing she had ever done. Nevermind the fact that she had jumped happily in the canoe when she was 3 and 5. Now, at 7... it was terrifying. I finally bribed convinced her to go if I would sit in the middle with her and hold her hands. She still hated it. Whined and fussed the whole time, just sure we were going to tip over at any minute. "I don't know why Jesus even made rivers and water!" 

Once we finally got Lawson in the canoe, he had lots of fun. But he still wouldn't go without me. So... no pictures of kids canoeing because I was too busy sitting in the middle and holding their hands. 

Corey and I each went a couple more times with just my dad... 

The kids were perfectly content just playing with their little boats on a string... 

So canoeing is crossed off our list. Can't say we all enjoyed it, but we did it. :) 

And we did manage to get a couple cute pictures out of the ordeal.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


"Your home is only as happy as the grumpiest person in it -- don't be the grump." 

Tonight... I was the grump.
I hate that.

Kids were both tired and whiny and trying to figure out a way to get me to change my answer to every single thing they asked me and then didn't like the answer to.
Corey was gone.
Mommy was on her last nerve.

Lawson even said to me, "Can you not talk to me in such a mean voice?"
Of course, this is after I've had to repeat myself three times and he's still not following directions about getting ready for bed. And after he has responded to nearly everything I've said this evening in a whiny, arguing voice.
But still...

Got them both in bed and thought to myself (and Facebook) "I'm so tired of hearing myself yell and be grouchy. Ugh." It did make me feel a little better that in less than 30 minutes, 8 other mommies had commented, all with similar feelings. One of my favorite comments... "I'm so annoyed with my child and with my reaction."

That's it.
I'm so annoyed with my reaction.
Why can't I be patient and calm and loving and take this opportunity to teach them, instead of modeling ugly behavior for them?

Parenting stinks sometimes.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

8 months.

This picture is out of focus, but it's perfect for you in your saucer.
You never hold still in it!!
You bounce like crazy and spin yourself all around.
You really like it when your brother or sister grabs onto one of the toys and spins it around for you.
You laugh and laugh!
You are army crawling all over the place and and trying to get into everything.
Marley's toys and magazines are some of your favorites.
You have the greatest smile... with those two tiny teeth. We love it!

Happy 8 months, baby girl!
We love you to pieces!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010