Happy Birthday, Lawson!!
To my favorite 5 year old...
* You are so funny. Really, truly, make people laugh out loud... funny.
* You have the best smile... sweet, with just a touch of ornery mixed in.
* You will always have awesome hair.
* Your favorite color is green.
* You still mix up blue and yellow.
* You still use "Rainbow Fish" anytime you make someone say a password.
* You are an amazing big brother... you adore your baby Gretchie.
* You love to play outside with Sophie.
* You can bit a bit of a chicken and you cry too easily sometimes.
* Daddy and Grandpa are two of your favorite people.
* You asked me if you got to go to Kindergarten today.
* You are such a cuddlebug.
* You always have time for a hug and a kiss for your momma.
* You are and always will be... my favorite little man.