Monday, July 9, 2007


The perfect project for every husband and wife to do at 11 pm... cleaning behind the refrigerator. Our frost-free freezer has decided to not be frost free, resulting in all the coils and wires freezing, therefore raising the temperature in the freezer (it thinks it's very cold because all the coils are covered in ice). Happened a week ago and we blamed it on a little person leaving the freezer door open part way. (perhaps giving ice cubes to the kitties?) Happened again today... blaming this one on just a faulty freezer. All food removed... back wall panel unscrewed... ice chipped away... thawing speeded by a hairdryer... a little bit of swearing (Corey, not me)... water draining somewhere??? Afraid it was draining underneath the fridge... this resulted in moving the fridge (more scratches in my pretty blue wood floor) and the lovely sight of all the things living behind the fridge. gross. I crawled on top of the counter while Corey held the vacuum cannister in the air and I sucked up the majority of it. No pictures of the worst of it, but this was my Swiffer after a quick mop of a 2x3 foot area...


Refrigerator repairman will be called tomorrow.

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