A working mom... trying to find the balance between wife, mommy, teacher and friend.
Hoping to remember all the little things that make me smile.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
star kisses.
Daddy bought his favorite popsicles at DQ the other night. He wanted green. All they had were red, white and blue. I wish they would have been green...
Look how clean we are...
Shirt had to go...
Very red lips...
The pretty half blue/half red look? It didn't wash off. His chin was red & blue the next day.
But oh, how they loved them!
There are still two in the freezer. And the kids know it...
I am wife to one, mommy to three and teacher to 22. I'm daily working towards finding the perfect balance between all the things in my life. Often times, it feels like I'm juggling rather than balancing!
Oh my word...HOW CUTE!!!
I bought those same treats yesterday for the kids...
What was I thinking??? I saw your blog BEFORE I went through DQ! :)
Well, your kids are older than mine... maybe they didn't get so messy???
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