Sunday, July 4, 2010

oh no.

This little miss is really starting to show some personality lately. 
She army crawls around the house as fast as can be and grabs anything she can get her little hands on... the tablecloth (which she tries to pull off the table), dog toys, flip flops (she loves to chew on both).

So she's started hearing the word "No."
Today it was "No. You cannot grab the spoon from me and fling bananas all over the place." 
Look what happens when Mommy says no...

First, the lip comes out... (those are bananas on her lip, by the way)

Then, those big blue eyes fill up with crocodile tears...

And then this...

It's so sad...

We may be in trouble with this little miss.


Angie said...

She is too cute!
I love the new header for your blog.

Holly said...

heh heh heh heh....