Sunday, April 3, 2011

nike house.

All Zhu Zhu pets should be lucky enough to live in a Nike box house. They have food, water, a bed... everything a little Zhu Zhu pet could ever want. 

Good job, Lawson.


Cheryl said...

This looks like something my Caroline would do . . . Lawson and her would get along great! :) so cute!

Cheryl said...

p.s. it's late . . . I just realized my grammar was bad there . . . "She and Lawson" would get along great! I just had to correct that since you are a teacher. :)

Toni :O) said...

I think our Zhu Zhu pets would like your house much better! They are basically ignored on my daughter's dresser! They only chatter when I go to move them to dust her dresser! LOL!

TheUnSoccerMom said...

CUTE!!! I could play for hours with a cardboard box. Glad to see it's still a go-to toy for imaginative kids! :o)

Kristi said...

oh wow! Lawson should team up with my Ella. She is always making things like this! How cute!