Saturday, August 6, 2011

spray park.

Corey was on call last weekend and spent hours out at the local spray park. Just a tiny bit frustrating. 

(Our spray park recirculates the water after it goes through lots of chemicals to sanitize it, etc. The problem is if any of those chemicals get out of balance or if any of the pumps and things stops working, the whole thing shuts down. Which unfortunately has happened a lot this summer. A nearby town has a spray park that never has this problem... but they are constantly using fresh water... which seems like a huge waste to me. So I'm glad our park recycles the water, but it has been a bit annoying for Corey. Stepping off my spray park soap box now...) 

We decided to make the best of it and join him on his last Sunday evening trip out there. Literally 30 seconds after Lawson did this...

the spray park looked like this... probably 15 kids.

And since we were already there... kids needed baths... it was almost bedtime... we told them to go play...

We discovered a fun new trick... if you stand on 2 of the holes, the third one shoots really high!

This little girl loves her daddy...


Meg B. said...

We do "on call" at our house too, not for the water park but for various other water emergencies. Lately, water leaking from the pavement. For us, the pager usually goes off just as we are ready to walk out the door :) Thanks to Corey and his comrades that have kept that park going during this crazy heat wave. I think we'll all be thankful when the breaks for the season.

Megan said...

Yuck for being on-call. :( Yay for a spray park. Where in Newton is this?!

(My A-town is Augusta... the first place to offer the hubby a teaching job, so we're pretty much here by happenstance but have learned to love it.)

Holly said...

we dont have a close by spray park. The closest to us is about 25 minutes out so we usually end up in a creek!,lol

Chad and Jody said...

I know I have seen Lawson at least once a week all summer, but for some reason he looks taller and older in this picture!

TheUnSoccerMom said...

My husband is on call all the time. It's great money, but gosh it gets annoying. So I totally know how you feel!

I wish we lived near a spray park! I think I would take advantage too! :o)