Wednesday, March 23, 2011

new smile.

Our Spring Break has been pretty low-key. We don't have any big plans. Lots of painting, crafting, little fun stuff. But today was a pretty big day... 

We realized a few years ago that this little girl got her momma's teeth. Bummer for her. (Still have my fingers crossed for the other two.) I started going to the orthodontist regularly when I was in 1st grade. I still remember all the comments about my tiny mouth. Guess what Sophie kept hearing today? 

Staci had a little trouble finding a mouth spreader thingy that was small enough for her. She said Sophie is the youngest kiddo she's ever put braces on. (We love Staci. And Anna. Everyone at Dr. Brett's really. So, so happy with them and how well they work on our kids!)

Sophie said the worst part of the whole thing was the yucky tasting glue. Lawson thought it sounded pretty disgusting to have someone put glue in your mouth.

I can't even begin to count how many hours I spent sitting in the orthodontist's chair when I was growing up. Oh, how I would have loved to have a tv hanging right above my head...

Staci even let Sophie pick as many colors as she wanted for her bands. (They usually get 3 or 4 different colors each time, I think.) She picked an entire rainbow!

1 1/2 hours in... Sophie was getting pretty tired of it all at this point, but she did great!! I was so proud of her!

Can you see the rainbow?!

She's doing so great today and is loving them! She had a grape CreamSlush from Sonic for lunch, yogurt, applesauce, ramen noodles, pudding and a root beer float. (Which may be part of the reason she's loving them so much!) She can't wait to show them to people and is excited because no matter what she wears to school, her braces will match!

A little girl's self esteem is fragile enough... I don't think you can put a price on a beautiful smile! It will be worth every penny, I believe.

Thanks Mom and Dad, for all the money you spent on my smile!


  1. Averi got her braces this year and hated the glue too. She looks so cute and she will thank you some day for her beautiful smile too. Tell her we love the rainbow!

  2. She looks adorable! I can't wait to see her in person! Glad she did so well- I would too, with a tv to watch above me! :) YEAH, Sophie!

  3. Tell Sophie she is beautiful and the hours in the ortho chair will be well worth it. If she gets discouraged bring her over to see Jenna, she can talk it up, and show off her pretty straight teeth!

  4. I always wanted braces when I was a kid . . .she looks great!! What a trooper . . . you are right, she will be glad she has straight teeth when she grows up. :)

  5. I had braces in high school--wouldd have been great to get it over with earlier! I'm SO thankful I had them. Old pictures make me cringe! Wonder if my girls will need them someday...

    Oh, and this week is slipping away! Do you have any free time left?

  6. um...those are adorable.
    like, really, they are actually CUTE on her!!!
    how is that!?

  7. Love the rainbow mouth, too cute! I'm sure we'll be there with my daughter soon as well, heavy sigh since I'll be praying the money falls from the sky. Both our girls have the same cute Tickled Pink shirt too...I heart Gymbo.ree!

  8. how sweet!!!

    LOVE the rainbow!!! :o)

  9. Love the rainbow colors - fits her personality! I hope she continues to do well.

  10. She looks adorable! Hard to believe she could get any cuter:)

  11. Oh goodness what an adorable rainbow smile that is :) I certainly remember those days - I'm a member of the tiny mouth club myself. Totally worth it though! So glad she has a great attitude so far!


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