Wednesday, February 9, 2011

more snow!

It snowed all day yesterday. Big, pretty snowflakes. 
Some schools around us let out early, but we were there all day. 
The kids and I left right after school and I had my fingers crossed that we might be getting a phone call that evening. The phone rang about 4:15. Woo-hoo! 

Lawson went out with Corey to help shovel the driveway...

He may not have worked the entire time... 

What 5 year old could resist these huge snowdrifts?!

You've gotta love neighbors who come out to help you shovel. Thank you, Carlos!

Miss Marley was having a great time...

Corey's chin looked the same when he came inside... full of icicles!

It was like a mini-block party! I was bummed that I missed getting a picture of Russ pulling Amy on the sled! :)

An hour later, you couldn't even tell that Corey and Carlos had shoveled the drive! Reports this morning said we had 17 inches of snow! (And later this afternoon I heard some noise outside and saw Miss Amy in our drive with their snowblower! We have the best neighbors ever!!)


  1. That second picture of Marley is hilarious!!

  2. your a sneaky photographer...thank goodness you didn't catch me on the sled! watching marley was a hoot!

  3. I love it that Lawson is playing in almost every picture! He makes me smile :)

    Thank you to Corey for all his hard work the last few weeks shoveling the "city's driveways" (a/k/a streets and sidewalks). He's my hero!

  4. how fun! i'm hoping for one more snow day around here...

  5. Great action shots of your little guy diving into the snow! Love it!


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