Monday, October 3, 2011

more soccer.

I don't have near as many pictures of Sophie playing soccer.

Mainly because she prefers to just stay on the sideline...  (She didn't even play at all at her last game... just watched from the sideline... totally her choice.)

But she sure has a good looking coach...

Who may be really questioning why he agreed to this coaching job... considering his daughter doesn't even like to play. =)


  1. Go sophie! Maybe she is a cheerleader in the making?!?!

  2. Ummm. I may be biased but...I think Lawson's coach is better looking. :)

  3. Christen is helping coach a U6 team this season and she's loving it. She's really connecting with the kids.

    Love Sophie's cheering! That's just as important ya know! ;o)

  4. My oldest was like that too. He likes the idea of playing soccer. The actual playing of it.....not so much. ;0)

  5. I love the way Sophie "plays" soccer! What an encourager.


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