Sunday, July 17, 2011

chuck e. cheese.

On Day 2 of our Oklahoma trip, we made our annual trip to Chuck E. Cheese. Sophie and Lawson have finally figured out that there is a Chuck E. Cheese close to us, but luckily we've managed to avoid it so far. Once a year at the Tulsa one is enough. 

Gretchen jumped right in a truck and was having a great time! (Until we put a coin in and made it move. She didn't really like that. She's a cheap date at Chuck E. Cheese.)

The cars were Gretchie's favorite. She would sit here and turn the wheel and push buttons for 20 minutes. All the adults took turns hanging out by Gretchen and walking around with the others.

Uncle Pete and Abby tried so hard to win over Gretchen, but she would put her little head down anytime they talked to her. One of my favorite quotes was Abby saying, "Come on, Gretchen. Don't be stingy with your sweetness!"

These two got a pretty good score at this football game...

But guess who got an even higher score?? (Even while juggling a diaper bag and camera bag.) 

Sweet Allie did this a lot of the time... just followed Gretchie around...

and stopping to look at all the fun things she wanted to play on... 

This picture just makes me smile. It's her little Superman run. (usually when she's being ornery and trying to get away from us.)

Gretchen wasn't too sure about Chuck E... (reminded me of a little red head on our first trip)

 Thankfully the 40 minute drive back to Bartlesville gave Gretchen a little bit of naptime. There was still more fun to come...


  1. Ha! The "cheap date" comment cracked me up!

  2. Don't feel bad, we drive by Chuck E. Cheese all of the time & we hardly ever go. About once a year is enough for us too! ;0) I loved the "Don't be stingy with your sweetness" quote. So cute!! It looks like you ahd a great/fun vacation!!

  3. You're a much better mom than I. We've never done the Chuck E Cheese thing. I love the "don't be stingy with your sweetness" comment. Priceless.

  4. my kids LOVE chucky cheese! The closest one is an hour away so we dont go often.


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